Each of the Harmony Distillery’s spirits is produced by our trusted still, Nona.

Our signature Honeybush Gin is made by distilling 10 carefully selected botanicals in small batches using a technique called vapour infusion. This technique allows the alcohol vapours to pass over the botanicals, condensing the complex aromas and flavours to form a fresher, more delicate tasting gin. A percentage of un-aged gin is then married over several days, with the finest honeybush tea leaves, mixed back together and rested, enriching the texture to transform it into a delicate amber-hued gin.

Harmony Distillery Still for distilling
Harmony Distillery Still for distilling

Just like the Khoisan lives in harmony with nature and uses the best that the veld has to offer, we also work in harmony with nature – never taking what we cannot replace. Although the Ruiterbos area is located in the fynbos biome and one of the only places in the world where honeybush grows naturally, we cultivate our own seedlings to have minimal impact on the area’s natural fynbos vegetation.


From growing our honeybush seedlings to harvesting our crops, our hands nurture these plants through every step of their life cycle. Seedlings are grown in tunnels on our farm from where they are carefully planted out in the Garden Route’s fertile soil. Every bottle of Harmony Distillery spirit is filled and labelled by hand, and individually numbered before it leaves on its journey to its new owner.

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